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The test you have just taken is designed to measure your moral attitudes, particularly as they relate to your religious and cultural background. We've also included results about your personality, as measured by the ‘Big Five’ survey. Your results are explained below, followed by further discusion about this test.

     Moral Attitudes Results

By “moral” we mean those aspects of thought and behavior that relate to commonly accepted notions of right and wrong, and to selfish and unselfish actions. One need not be religious to be “moral,” although religions do tend to espouse moral codes of behavior. We have broken down your results into two sub-categories: political/economic morals and social morals.

Politically Conservative


Politically Liberal

Socially Conservative


Socially Liberal

Overall Conservative


Overall Liberal

Based on your answers to the previous questions, your overall score on a conservative/liberal dimension of moral attitudes--compared with the general population--puts your percentile at 60, with the 99th percentile indicating the most liberal possible rating. Another way of explaining this is to say that out of 100 randomly-selected people, you will most likely be more liberal than 60 of them.

  • Your values are neither extremely traditional nor particularly progressive.
  • When it comes to social morals, you feel that society's current laws need to be more liberal and flexibile across the board.
  • You believe that the government's current positions are generally acceptable, but you would prefer it to change several of its policies and practices.

     Personality Survey Results



Open to New Experiences










Calm / Relaxed


Nervous / High-Strung

There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions. Your specific personality indicates that the following attributes will most likely describe you well:

  • You are relatively open to new experiences.
  • You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.
  • You tend to shy away from social situations.
  • You find it easy to criticize others.
  • You tend to become anxious or nervous.

     About This Site

Keep in mind that your results are based on comparing your responses to the average of other people's responses. This is to say, on average, that the results are generally accurate, but you may be an exception to the norm. We hope you enjoyed your results!

It's easy to bookmark your results, or even link to your results on web pages and blogs. You can also email your results to friends! All you need to do is copy the URL from this results page, which has the result scores but none of your private responses.

You can copy and paste the following HTML code into almost any website to get a link like below:

Check out my Morality! 60% liberal, 40% conservative

Click here to continue on to the other personality tests on this this site.