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find your star wars twin
   Openness Conscientious Extraverted Agreeable Neurotic  
     Uncle Owen and Aunt Bero Han Solo Ben Kenobi Emperor Palpatine Chewbacca  

The test you just took has been broken down into five different categories. For each category, your score has been matched against a database of personality profiles for characters in Star Wars. Below is a full explanation of your results. Note that clicking on any image will load that character’s profile from the characters section of the official Star Wars website. You can also link to your results or email your results to a friend.

See all possible characters; jump back to the test.

  Openness to Experience/Intellect High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. 
Uncle Owen and Aunt Bero Your percentile: 24% You are somewhat conventional.
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru -- Taking the role of Luke Skywalkers Guardians on Tatooine, they prefer to focus on pragmatic everyday needs of moisture farming. They are generally unwilling to entertain Luke’s broader vision, protecting Luke from new ideas (even if they know some of them to be true!).
  Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. 
Han Solo Your percentile: 2% You probably have a messy desk!
Han Solo -- This disheveled and scruffy smuggler leads a reckless and haphazard life, with little respect for rules and procedures.
  Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. 
Ben Kenobi Your percentile: 37% You tend to shy away from social situations.
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn’t seen much. He doesn’t appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
  Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. 
Emperor Palpatine Your percentile: 17% You find it easy to criticize others.
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.
  Neuroticism High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. 
Chewbacca Your percentile: 60% You tend to become anxious or nervous.
Chewbacca -- This wookie belongs in the middle of Neuroticism because on one hand he is a strong and fearless individual but on the other hand he is excitable and easily upset (as shown by his reaction before C-3P0 suggested R2-D2 "let the wookie win").

What aspects of personality does this tell me about?

There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions.

What do the scores tell me?

In order to provide you with a meaningful comparison, the scores you received have been converted to "percentile scores." This means that your personality score can be directly compared to another group of people who have also taken this personality test.

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How do I interpret percentile scores?

The percentile scores show you where you score on the five personality dimensions relative to the comparison sample of other people who have taken this test on-line. In other words, your percentile scores indicate the percentage of people who score less than you on each dimension. For example, your Extraversion percentile score is 37, which means that about 37 percent of the people in our comparison sample are less extraverted than you -- in other words, you are rather introverted. Keep in mind that these percentile scores are relative to our particular sample of people. Thus, your percentile scores may differ if you were compared to another sample (e.g., elderly British people).

How do I save my results? How can I share them?

It's easy to bookmark your results, or even link to your results on web pages and blogs. You can also email your results to friends! All you need to do is copy the URL from this results page, which has the result scores but none of your private responses.

You can copy and paste the following HTML code into almost any website.
Click to see my Star Wars Personality!!

Where can I learn more?

If you'd like to learn more about personality psychology, take a look at these links to other personality sites on the web. Take a look at our homepage for more tests!